My World VS The World

Tommy Maloney
3 min readMar 13, 2020

A pandemic has hit the world, and for me, it has become an awaking of sorts.

Each day I receive a company email telling me that because of my job, there is no option to work from home. After reading the latest company update, it occurred to me that I need to either put up or shut up. Those essential means is that if I genuinely want to live the life I want, now is the time to get serious.

My dream is to own my own media company. That would entail podcasting, writing, and webinars, all from home.

Reading that last email made me very upset because it proved that I was just a pawn. My well-being did not matter, only serving the client. I still had to get on planes each week.

Then there are the life events that are occurring in “my world.” My son texted me yesterday to say his baseball season is on hold. The Lyft driver that I usually use and who has become a friend was not initially able to pick me up because she had a family event. I was texted late last night that the function is now canceled, so my wife is off the hook from needing to pick me up.

My wife is part of the service club Kiwanis, and a local conference that she is part of the organizing community has been canceled too. I know how much she loves going to these conferences, so it pained me to hear her tell me on the phone that the meeting is canceled.

There are people each day getting sick, and many are dying as well. I fear my grandmother is going to be affected by this virus. That would really rock my world. Knowing my co-workers are in the same situation as I am. The fact that many people could go broke makes me feel sad.

I am writing this from the Air Canada lounge located in the Winnipeg airport. I am still trying to figure out how I was granted a pass to be in here. My point is that I would rather be home. Just a side note of why I am not doing what I would rather be doing is that I have no clue: none, zero, zilch. Yes, not going to lie, but sitting here watching planes come and go while drinking free coffee is nice, but it is not part of my calling.

My question for both you and me is: what do we do about this?

With the world-changing, how can you safe proof of your world? What can you do going forward to make sure that the current crisis won’t dramatically affect the economics in your household?

For me? That is an easy answer. It is time to put on my big boy pants and work harder on my passion for building that media company and putting out better content and more content. I do not have an issue self-quarantining myself, and I don’t feel others would have that issue as well.

Tommy Maloney is the Executive producer and host of the podcast Blending The Family, where you can find on ITUNES, Iheart Radio, Spotify, and Stitcher Radio.

Tommy has spoken at TEDx, Ignite Fort Collins, and Keynote Speaker at Everything Dad Convention. He even has won speaking awards through Toastmasters International.

Tommy Maloney is an Author and Life Strategist. The author of the books “25 Tips For Divorced Dads.” “Why not you, Why Not Me” and His new book, “My Dad’s Advice At 5:04 AM” is coming out in 2020. Tommy enjoys a good red blend while writing or hiding from the family. A dad to Betsy, Becca, Connor, and Duke. A husband to Ann.

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Tommy Maloney

TEDx and Keynote Speaker| Host of “Blending The Family” Podcast| Author of “My Dads Advice At 5:04 AM"| Life Strategist| Dad